Semester: Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Environmental Protection
Study cycle: 2nd cycle
Type of course: optional
Contact person: dr inż. Andrzej Kocowicz 71 320 5602 andrzej.kocowicz@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: Subject introduces the basic concepts of tourism, presents the world tourism resources. It describes methods for assessment of natural resources in the context of the usefulness for tourism and their susceptibility to degradation. It describes the impact of tourism on the environment, rational use and localization of the tourist base, the possibility of preventing and reducing the influence of tourism on the environment, safety in tourism.
Full description: Natural resources and values as a base for tourist activities. Anthropogenic resources and values as a base for tourist activities. Characteristics of tourism infrastructure. Forms and types of tourism with particular emphasis on environmental impact assessment. The impact of tourism on mountain, lowland and coastal areas and the possibility to reduce this impact. Forms of environmentally friendly tourism. The organization of tourism in environmentally valuable and susceptible to degradation areas. Safety while hiking and recreation. Valorization of the environment into account the sensitivity and resistance to pressure from tourism. Organization of tourist development aimed at reducing the negative effects of tourism on
Bibliography: Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas Guidelines for Planning and Management. Paul F. J. Eagles, Stephen F. McCool and Christopher D. Haynes. IUCN – The World Conservation Union 2002. Sustainable Tourism Governance and Management in Coastal Areas of Africa. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2013. Madrid Spain. Tourism biodiversity and sustainable development. O.P. Kandari Ashish Chandra. ISHA Books. Delhi 2004. http://www2.unwto.org/
Learning outcomes: Knowledge knows the consequences and risks associated with tourism impact on the environment, knows the rules of use of the natural environment for tourism, He knows and is able to select the method of valuation of environmental subject anthropo pressure of tourism, knows the consequences and risks associated impact of tourism on the environment Skills It is aware of the individual and social responsibility for the environment, predict the environmental effects of activities undertaken; can indicate risk minimization activities, reveals the need to learn current issues in the field of environmental protection; Social competences is aware of the individual and social responsibility for the environment, predict the environmental effects of activities undertaken; can indicate risk minimization activities, reveals the need to learn current issues in the field of environmental protection
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: grade obtained at classes (40%) + grade obtained at lectures (60%)

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